Ground Squirrel Control

Squirrel Pest Control

Ground Squirrels

Squirrels may be mice and rats’ cuter cousin, but they can be just as problematic. You will see these wild animals scurrying around the ground or running around in trees. Squirrels generally are not much of a nuisance but their proximity to people makes it common for them to find their way into our attics, roofs, walls, chimneys, and basements. Once they have managed to find a safe space to call home, they will start nesting and preparing for litters. Squirrel populations can get out of hand quickly so any signs of squirrel activity inside your home should result in a call to Griffin Pest Management. Our team of licensed squirrel and rodent control experts will help implement exclusion strategies to prevent squirrels from accessing your home. 

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Squirrel Control Services

Our integrated pest management approach combines several strategies to effectively stop squirrel populations. These strategies should be implemented by a professional because squirrels can bite and may transmit diseases.

Squirrel Exclusion
Our team of licensed squirrel pest control experts will seal up access points that provide squirrels with entry into your home. Any gaps or openings that a small rodent can fit through that lead into the attic or basement should be blocked off with a metal vent cap, screen, or wire net. This would also include cutting back branches that come to close to your home to ensure that tree squirrels can’t use surrounding trees to gain access to your roof. 

Squirrel Trapping
Once exclusion has been implemented, traps can be set to safely contain squirrels until they can be removed and released elsewhere. This strategy will help our squirrel experts know when squirrels no longer present a problem. 

Ground Squirrel Fumigation
Ground squirrel burrows are flooded with carbon monoxide to eliminate ground squirrels humanely. Once the ground squirrel activity has ceased, the burrows will be collapsed to prevent new residents from moving in and taking over. 

Squirrel Baiting
Bait stations are another lethal method of dealing with squirrels. This should be attempted after exclusion strategies have been implemented to prevent squirrels from consuming poison and then going inside to die. 

Immediate Squirrel Control

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Tree Squirrel vs Ground Squirrel?

The names of the squirrels should give a good idea of what differentiates the 2 types. Ground squirrels nest underground and will create burrows that are expansive networks of underground tunnels. They are commonly found in open areas and areas populated with bushes and light foliage. Tree squirrels are the species you will see running through branches of trees and are often found in much denser forest. Both are known to be nuisance pests and will cause their own unique set of problems. Tree squirrels will nest in attics and will bring in their annual harvest of food stores they keep until winter. Ground squirrels are more likely to cause damage to lawns and gardens and are a massive burden on businesses like golf courses and hotels. 

Where do Squirrels Live?

Most common squirrels in California fall under one of the 2 types mentioned above. Tree squirrels, as their name implies, live in the branches of trees. Their nests are very high up in the tree and this is where they will birth and raise their litters. Ground squirrels on the other hand live in burrows underground. They will come up in search of food and resources but much of their time is also spent underground with their young. These squirrels will occasionally find their way inside and given the right resources and shelter, will create a nest inside your home, attic, basement, chimney, or roof.

Signs You Have Ground Squirrels

Ground squirrels are typically most active from spring to fall but California’s great weather gives them an opportunity to be a year-round pest. Having even one ground squirrel burrow can be extremely problematic because it can house up to 10 squirrels. Signs you have a ground squirrel problem are usually pretty apparent. They leave large mounds of dirt which can be abutted up against a building or completely out in the open. They can be easily mistaken for mole hills or other ground burrowing rodents’ nests so having a licensed rodent control expert come out to lay a trap to see what the culprit of the damage is recommended. 

Are Squirrels a Threat?

Squirrels are usually timid creatures that steer clear of humans as much as possible. However, they can sometimes become aggressive if cornered or sick. They can also cause a good amount of damage if they find their way in and decide to nest in your home.

The most common problems squirrels cause are:

  • Property damages: If a squirrel thinks there is shelter or food inside, they will pull up roof tiles and chew through building materials to get there. They will gain access to wall cavities, attics, and basements and build nests that can prompt other problems if left uncontrolled.
  • Fire hazards: Like rats and mice, squirrels can chew through wiring, exposing hot wires which can catch fire.
  • Noise: Squirrel activity makes a lot of noise in attics and walls, so this is extremely problematic at night when families are trying to sleep.
  • Digging up lawns: Ground squirrels will destroy landscaping and gardens as burrows expand.
  • Biting and sickness: Squirrels will rarely attack unless threatened or sick. This is concerning because they are capable of passing diseases like rabies and the bubonic plague.
  • Parasites: Just like any other rodent, squirrels can host fleas, ticks, and mites which will infest their nests and then your home.

Contact Griffin to Get a Licensed Specialist to Come Inspect for Squirrels

If you are dealing with squirrels and need some support, call Griffin Pest Management today to get a licensed and trained squirrel control expert out to inspect your property! Our team has over 20 years of dealing with all kinds of rodents including squirrels, rats, mice, moles, and voles. 

Quick Facts About Ground Squirrels


Ground squirrels feed on trees, shrubs and vegetation. In heavily populated areas, ground squirrels have been known to steal food left outside by humans. In southern California, ground squirrels don’t hibernate for winter and are generally active all year long, though some may stay dormant for a small period of time. They are grayish, light brown in color and roughly 18 inches long from head to tail.


Ground squirrels burrow in holes they scoop out themselves. In some cases, ground squirrels share the tunnel system with each other, but each squirrel will have its own entrance. Squirrels will also use existing holes to create their homes.


Ground squirrels will feed on ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables and so they are often considered garden pests. Squirrels can also spread disease and parasites. In some cases, squirrels can find their way to attic space and destroy insulation while they build their nests.


The best method to remove a squirrel population is to use exclusion. All holes in the yard or attic will need to be sealed. We recommend beginning a preventative maintenance program to keep them from returning. Griffin Pest Management uses humane methods of trapping and removal. We also offer cleanup and restoration services if squirrels have damaged your property. For more information about our ground squirrel removal services, call us today.

Squirrel Control FAQs

  • Can pest control get rid of squirrels?

    Griffin’s licensed and trained rodent control experts can create a custom squirrel removal and exclusion strategy that will effectively trap and prevent squirrels from gaining access to your home. 

  • How much does squirrel control cost?

    Ground squirrel control and removal ranges in price depending on the severity of the infestation. If squirrel trapping and removal needs to be done before exclusion, then the price will reflect that. Griffin Pest Management prices competitively so we can provide the best value possible for our customers.

  • Who do you call to remove squirrels?

    Griffin Pest Management has a team of licensed experts ready to help you combat your squirrel problem. Our rodent control technicians can be with you shortly to complete an inspection of your property so they can create a custom treatment plan.

  • How do I rid my yard of squirrels?

    Getting rid of squirrels in your yard can prove to be difficult given they are wild animals in their territory. That being said, you can attempt to remove what is attracting them to help minimize their presence. Removing things like bird feeders will help eliminate things that squirrels feed on. If they continue to be problematic, a Griffin Pest Management professional can stop by to lend a hand. Call today to get a free inspection to see if you have squirrel problems. 

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